The Microcosmic Space

Friday, June 23, 2006

A big cup of hot chocolate with grill mashmellows used to be number 1 of my top 5 favourite drinks and deserts for cold days. However, the declination of hot chocolate and mashmellows has arrived. Now my most favourite drink and desert is Chocolate bread and butter puddings with a warm honey lemon water. Why? The reason is pretty simple because it's filling and more tasty. Also, when you have a mouth full of butter pudding then following by a zip of warm honey lemon water, it's heavenly. It's pretty darn easy to bake as well and no need to mention about warm honey lemon water. You just get a cup of warm water then add in honey and a few drops of lemon juice.

Back to Chocolate bread and butter puddings. I'm the kind of
person who don't really like to follow the instruction from recipe books. Why? Maybe because I find that it's against my will..hahaha..nah recipe book for me is like a tour map. You only look at it when you get lost. Okay I'm babbling too much, here is what you need: 4 slices of vienna bread, crusts removed. 25 grams of butter, softened. 50 grams of cooking chocolate, finely chopped or you can break them into small blocks. 1 egg, 1/2 cup sugar, 1/2 cup of cream, 1/2 cup of milk, half of teapoon vanilla extract and Cocoa powder for dusting. Serves 2.

Preheat the ov
en to 180 degree celsius. Butter the bread slices and layer. Firstly, get a cup which is ovenproof then lay down the first bread slice follow by chocolate. Secondly, put another slice of bread over the chocolate. Now, place an egg and sugar in a bowl and beat well, add the cream, milk and vanilla and mix well. Subsequently, slowly pour over the puddings, allowing it to soak into the bread. Lastly, place the cups in a baking dish and pour in enough boiling water to come half way to the side of the cups (not in the cups okay!). Bake for 30 minutes or until golden and set. Let it cool down and dust over cocoa powder.

It might sound complicated but once you have your hands on it.
It's pretty easy. I always tell my friends that 'if I can do it, you can do it'. You won't know til you try.


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